
Print Volume: 1000 mm x 1500 mm x 700 mm (1.05 m³, +2×)
Extruder Standard Type: HFA
Standard Max Throughput: 2×
Extruder Option Type: HFE
Option Max Throughput: Up to 16×
Controller: 32-bit, 120MHz ARM Cortex M4 Processor
Display: 7” TFT, with Wifi


For customized, full-scale printing capabilities that accelerate time from ideation to application at an affordable price, the WorkSeries 400 (Workbench Xtreme) is the only large scale 3D printer that has been engineered from the ground-up. Most importantly, the unique, parametric design can be easily adjusted to match the needs of our customers.

  • Print Volume: 1000 mm  x 1500 mm  x 700 mm (1.05 m³, +2×)
  • Extruder Standard Type: HFA
  • Standard Max Throughput: 2×
  • Extruder Option Type: HFE
  • Option Max Throughput: Up to 16×
  • Controller: 32-bit, 120MHz ARM Cortex M4 Processor
  • Display: 7” TFT, with Wifi
  • Remote Monitor & Operation: Standard